A Reflection on Social“Community” in the Future
Graphical Abstract
The cognition of dualistic opposition established through logo-centrism in societies with various classes has brought about the opposition between various concepts and communities. With the development of the capitalism, the thoughts like individualism based on atomization ontology have also come to their extreme, so have the classification of and opposition between individuals, individuals and society, and communities. Such thoughts are aggravating instead of easing social contradictions, disintegrating instead of integrating or reconstructing social communities. The real social community in the future is the inevitable trend for the development of human society. This is a kind of community of free men which is based on the difference and on the equal, universal and internal individual relationships. The free union is the link to eliminate the social classes. It fuses various elements and leads to the completely new community, the real common group, not through the ways of “all” or “to be”, but through that of “and…and…and”.