Assessment of Agricultural Disaster Spatial Differentiation in Earthquake
Graphical Abstract
Wenchuan earthquake has brought about severe damage on the agricultural production systems. Based on the perspective of disaster-affected bodies and the division of county/district as the statistical unit, statistics taken from the Mianyang Prefecture Bureau of Agriculture, were subjected to a spatial differentiation analysis within the scope of Mianyang and demographic factors in agriculture were also taken into consideration. Firstly disaster situation of every county agricultural system and its subsystems are analyzed, then the county’s overall economic losses in agricultural systems are worked out, and thirdly, every county’s agricultural economic loss per capita among the agricultural population was obtained. The findings show that: in regard to the overall Agricultural direct economic loss, three biggest victims are Jiangyou, Anxian county and Beichuan; Pingwu, Santai suffered a slighter loss and Youxian, Fucheng, Yanting and Zhitong were the still slighter sufferers. In terms of agricultural loss per capita, Pingwu and Beichuan were the biggest sufferer, next to which were Santai, Anxian and Jiangyou, with Fucheng, Youxian, Yanting and Zhitong being the slightest, which indicates that there exist a difference in terms of the overall economic loss and the severity of per capita economic loss. Accordingly, the money allocation for post-disaster reconstruction, not only should consider the overall economic loss of the regional differences in unit, per capita economic losses should also be taken into account. Four pieces of suggestions were put forth as well for the reconstruction of the agriculture production system in the earthquake-hit area.