Serum biochemical characteristics of reserve parents of cultured Acipenser dabryanus
Graphical Abstract
The serum samples of the backup parents of 8 cultured Yangtze River Sturgeons (4 males and 4 females) were collected, and 28 serum biochemical indexes such as blood glucose, blood lipid, serum protein, metabolites and serum enzymes were measured by the automatic serum biochemical analyzer, so as to explore the physiological status of the Yangtze River sturgeon under the artificial environment and compare the differences between male and female Yangtze River sturgeon serum indexes. The results showed that among the 28 serum biochemical indexes, the coefficient of variation of 17 indexes such as glucose was less than 0.5, the coefficient of variation of 6 indexes such as apolipoprotein was between 0.5 and 1.0, and the coefficient of variation of 5 indexes such as apolipoprotein was greater than 1.0; There was no significant difference in serum biochemical indexes between male and female of cultured Yangtze sturgeon reserve parents; The ratio of albumin to globulin in the reserve parent of cultured Yangtze sturgeon was less than 1.The results showed that there were significant differences in serum biochemical indicators among different individuals of the reserve parents of cultured Yangtze sturgeon, but there was no significant difference in serum biochemical indicators between male and female. The range of biochemical indicators can provide some reference for the range of health parameters of basic serum indicators.