A Study on Cultivating Talents of International Trade
Graphical Abstract
The development of international trade increases the necessity of cultivating talented persons in this regard andanalysis is made of the existing problems concerning the construction of a contingent of talented people for international trade: the lack of knowledge and understanding for the construction of such a contingent of talented people; the lack of far-sighted long term plan; the lack of enough attraction to those talented people; adequate resultant force being not yet formed in the con- struction of talented people management. Counter measures are suggested: to reinforce the understanding of talented people cultivation for international trade thus to enhance the territoriality, scientificity and farsightedness and make continued efforts to perfect the incentive system for talented people cultivation thus to form an effective resultant force for talented people contin- gent construction and management so as to make still greater contribution to the development of international trade in the coun- try’s implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative strategy.