The Relationship between Family Function, Attribution StyleandSocial Adaptation of Minority College Students
Graphical Abstract
300 minority college students were subjected to the Family Intimacy and Adaptability Scale(Chinese version)(FACESII - CV), and Inner/External Psychological Control Source Scale(I - E Scale)and the Minority Adolescent Social Adaptation Scale so as to find out about their social adaptation status. The results showed that:(1)Minority college students' social adaptation is fine;(2)The family adaptability for minority college students is significantly different between genders, with boys' adaptability significantly higher than girls';(3)The two dimensions of Family intimacy and adaptability related to family function are significantly positively correlated to the five dimensions related to the attribution style and social adaptation for the minority college students;(4)Family function and attribution style can positively predict social adaptation;(5)Attribution style of minority college students partially plays a mediating role in effecting the relation of their family function and social adaptation.