The Relationship of Mental Health and Subjective Well-being inFreshmen of a Higher Vocational Medical College in Fujian
Graphical Abstract
By use of the Symptom Checklist(SCL-90)and General Well-being Scale, 2382 freshmen in Fujian Higher Vocational Medical College were subjected to a test so as to explore about their mental health, subjective well-being status and the relationship in between. The results showed that students with moderate to severe psychological distress account for 7.7%, indicating that the level of mental health is not optimistic; subjective well-being is in the upper-middle level; most factors of gender and department are significantly different in terms of the SCL-90 and subjective well-being; each SCL-90 factor is significantly negatively correlated to the respective factor of subjective well-being in terms of the dimensional score; relaxation-tension, depression-happiness and energy forecast 34.6% variation of mental health with the accountability power of 26.4%, 7.1% and 1.1% respectively. In conclusion, subjective well-being can well predict the mental health.