徐 武. 健身气功发展趋势及推广策略[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (2).
    引用本文: 徐 武. 健身气功发展趋势及推广策略[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (2).
    XU Wu. Development Trend of the Gymnastic Qigong and the Popularization Strategy[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (2).
    Citation: XU Wu. Development Trend of the Gymnastic Qigong and the Popularization Strategy[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (2).


    Development Trend of the Gymnastic Qigong and the Popularization Strategy

    • 摘要: 通过对体育总局健身气功管理中心十年工作回顾总结和发展纲要的相关报道的梳理,查阅有关健身气功发展研究的文献资料,走访健身气功发展的实践者,认为健身气功的发展已逐步形成由抢占阵地向全民健身转移,从宣传推动向制度化规范化转移,从单纯技能性人才培养向人才优化提高转移,由基础科普推广向科学研究转移,由国内开展向国际延伸,由单纯练功步入竞技交流快车道,由社区站点向学校渗透,由功法推广向多元发展的格局转移.由此提出了健身气功的推广策略,进一步加强媒体宣传,提高公众认知度; 加速骨干培养,扩大练功人口; 校地结合,资源共享是健身气功推广的重要途径; 构建以城市为中心的健身气功站点,向乡镇辐射的框架模式; 加强语言翻译的准确性,提高国际推广的质量; 鼓励政府支持下的市场运作,促进健身气功产业化发展的建设性意见.


      Abstract: By a work review of the Health Qigong Administration Center, GASC in the recent ten years, consultation of literature and materials, and interviews of the practitioners, it is found that the development trend of Health Qigong has undergone shifts from individual exercise to nationwide fitness participation, from promotion driven by propaganda to institutionalization and standardization, from skill-based personal training to talent cultivation optimization, from promotion by popularization of science to promotion by scientific research, from domestic promotion to overseas extension, from simple skill exercises to competitive exchanges, from separate community stations to schools and universities, from practice methods popularization to the pattern of a diversified development. Correspondent strategies for popularization are proposed: to step up the popularity campaign to enhance public acceptance; to accelerate the cultivation of backbone forces of health Qigong to increase qigong participants; to make co-operations between schools and regions and resources-sharing an important approach for qigong popularization; to construct city-centered qigong popularization stations to establish a radiation framework towards townships; to improve the translation accuracy of language to enhance international promotion; to encourage government-supported market operation to prompt the industrialization of Qigong.


