Parental bonding instrument(PBI), Proactive coping scale(PCS)and Altruistic behavior questionnaire were adopted to investigate 272 college student volunteers in an attempt to find out about the influence of parenting styles, the proactive coping on their altruistic behaviors in Guangdong. The results showed that: Altruistic behaviors were positively correlated with the care factor and proactive coping factor in the parenting styles; Mother care and proactive coping, as the suppression variables, can enhance the predictive validity of father control upon the altruistic behavior. The mediator effect of the Father care can fully effect upon the altruistic behavior via the proactive coping approach(the mediating effect value reaches as high as 79.42%), while the mediator effect of mother care is partially effected upon the altruistic behavior via the proactive coping with a mediating effect value of about 31.38%), indicating that the parenting style indirectly influences college student volunteer' altruistic behaviors via the mediation of proactive coping.