Differential Study of the Regional Financial Resources Allocation Efficiency in the Fujian Province
摘要: 采用金融相关比率、贷款产出率和存贷差三个指标,搜集了福建省各地市近5年来的经济和金融相关数据并进行分析,得出该省的金融资源配置效率高低不一的原因,并提出若干政策建议以提高金融资源的配置效率并促进省内区域经济的协调发展.Abstract: The three indices of the Financial International Ratio(FIR), the loan output ratio and the difference between loans and deposits were put under examination by collecting and analyzing the economic and financial data of the recent five years in the prefectures and cities in Fujian province and thus to find out about the reasons behind the sharply uneven allocation efficiency of financial resources in the province. And many policy suggestions were made to improve the financial resources allocation efficiency so as to prompt a coordinated development of the district economy in the province.