司晨玲, 张萍萍. 两类折线函数的迭代[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (2).
    引用本文: 司晨玲, 张萍萍. 两类折线函数的迭代[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (2).
    SI Chen-ling, ZHANG Ping-ping. Iteration of Two Classes of Polygonal Functions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (2).
    Citation: SI Chen-ling, ZHANG Ping-ping. Iteration of Two Classes of Polygonal Functions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (2).


    Iteration of Two Classes of Polygonal Functions

    • 摘要: 作为非线性运算, 迭代通常放大非线性函数的非线性性. 单折点的折线函数是最简单的非线性函数.由于函数值在迭代下可以交叉于不同的子区间, 折线的变化是复杂的. 针对迭代指数趋于正无穷时折点个数问题, 运用折线函数在子区间上的单调性分别给出折点个数保持不变、是一个正整数以及正无穷的充分条件.


      Abstract: As nonlinear operation, iteration usually amplifies the nonlinearity of nonlinear function. Polygonal function with a single vertex is the simplest nonlinear function. As the function values can intersect in different subintervals under iteration, the changes of polylines are most complicated. By using the monotonicity of the polygonal function in subintervals, the sufficient conditions are put forth respectively for cases when the number of vertices is invariant, when the number of vertices is a positive integer and when the number is positive infinity.


