Altium Designer电路设计课程的实验优化与实践
Optimization and Practice for Altium Designer Circuit Design Course
摘要: 针对现有的Altium Designer电路设计教学,提出了优化实验内容的设计原则,并对实验内容精选设计,分析了原来课程教学中存在的问题,提出了教学改革方案,强调理论与实践相结合,并给出了具体的实施步骤.结合通信专业的课程设置,设计了层层递进的PCB软件设计实验内容,探讨了实验内容优化和考核评价体系的构建Abstract: In order to solve the existing problems found in the teaching of Altium Designer circuit design course, a design principle for the optimization of the experiment content is put forth and a well-chosen design is done to the experiment content and after an analysis of the existing problems in the previous curricular teaching, a new teaching reform plan is presented which puts an emphasis on the integration of theory with practice and the concrete steps for implementation are formulated. In combination with the curriculum provision of the major of Communication, a level-to-level progressive PCB software experiment content is designed and a probe is made into the optimization of the experiment content and the construction of the evaluation system.