Evaluation of Coastal Tourism Resources in Fujian Province and Research onDevelopment Strategies Based on AHP
摘要: 在构建评价指标体系及确定各层次指标权重的基础上,运用层次分析法(AHP)对福建省滨海旅游资源进行综合评价,认为福建省滨海旅游资源价值高、生态环境较好,具有一定的知名度,但是其旅游资源完整度差、从业人员素质不高,缺少配套旅游设施,为此,提出的开发策略是:进行科学的滨海旅游规划,明确发展方向; 深挖资源价值,构建滨海旅游产品开发体系; 加大资金投入,完善滨海旅游基础设施; 整合滨海旅游资源,加强区域旅游合作; 加强滨海旅游人才培养,提高旅游服务质量,以期为福建省发展滨海旅游提供参考Abstract: After the construction of an evaluation indicators system and the determination of the weight for each level of indicators, a comprehensive evaluation is made of the coastal tourism resources in the Fujian province by adopting the AHP method, which finds that the tourism resources are of a rather high value with a fame to some degree; yet it is lacking in the integrity of tourism resources and the staff engaged in tourism are of a poor quality and the supporting tourist facilities are too scarce. The following development strategies are thus proposed: a scientific planning of the coastal tourism and the clarification of the developing direction; an in-depth exploration of the resources value; the construction of a development system for the tourism products; still stronger tourism investment to improve the tourist infrastructure; the integration of coastal tourism resources and the reinforcement of regional cooperation; to efforts being stepped up to train tourism talents and to enhance service quality in tourism