Evaluationand Improvement of the Urban Public Transport Network of Nanchong City
摘要: 公共交通线路网评价是优化和改善城市交通系统的前提和基础.为此,选取线路长度、非直线系数、公交线网覆盖率、重复系数、复线条数和线路网密度等指标,在GIS技术支持下,对南充城市公交线路网进行现状评价.结果表明:南充城市公交线网存在以下问题:线路过长; 非直线系数偏大; 公交线网覆盖率低; 中心城区重复系数偏低; 局部路段复线条数过大; 线路网密度从城市中心向边缘迅速降低等.基于现有问题,对改善城市公交线网结构提出了相应的建议Abstract: Evaluation of the public transport network is a precondition and the fundamental work for improving and optimizing the transportation system of a city. 6 key indices were put under careful examination and by adopting the GIS technology an evaluation was made of the status quo of the public transport network in the city of Nanchong. The following problems are found: the traffic lines being too redundant; too great a non-linear coefficient of traffic lines; too low a network coverage for the public traffic lines; the repetition rate of the lines in the inner city being too low; too many overlapping lines in some local areas; and too sharp a decrease in line density from the inner city to the urban fringe. At last, some pertinent suggestions were given for improving the bus line network structure