On the Convergence for a Class of Odd TrigonometricInterpolation Polynomial Operators
摘要: 利用两点修正的方法构造了一类奇三角插值算子,重点证明该算子对以2π为周期的连续奇函数在全实轴上一致收敛,并且进一步讨论其逼近度Abstract: The paper introduces an odd Trigonometric polynomial operator Hn(f:r,x)(where r is a given natural number)based on these values of f(x)(where f(x)∈C2πand f(x)are even functions)on these nodes(xk=(kπ)/(n+1))nk=1. Hn(f:r,x)uniformly converge to f(x)on the total real axis. The approximation order of Hn(f:r,x)reaches the rest approximation order when used to approximate to f(x)wheref(x)∈C2π,(0 SymbolcB@ j SymbolcB@ r-1)and f(x)is odd function