贾璋炜, 韩晓娟. 90后大学生就业心理障碍论析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 107-110.
    引用本文: 贾璋炜, 韩晓娟. 90后大学生就业心理障碍论析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 107-110.
    JIA Zhang-wei, HAN Xiao-juan. On the Psychological Barriers of University Students of the 1990s in Their Employment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 107-110.
    Citation: JIA Zhang-wei, HAN Xiao-juan. On the Psychological Barriers of University Students of the 1990s in Their Employment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 107-110.


    On the Psychological Barriers of University Students of the 1990s in Their Employment

    • 摘要: 90后大学生存在焦虑、自卑、攀高怕苦、依赖心强等就业心理障碍。这与舆论与环境的双重挤压、家长与家族的层层加压、教学与引导的双重脱节、认识与自我的多重偏差等因素有关。调适90后大学生就业心理障碍,应坚持政策导向与措施透明同在,教育引导与积极沟通并存,教学变革与措施补救并行,自我调适与全面发展结合


      Abstract: The university students of the 1990s are facing the psychological barriers in their employment like anxiety, sense of inferiority, high ambition but with much effort and heavy dependence on others. These are related with the factors as squeeze from the public opinion and environment, pressure from their parents and family, separation of education from their guidance, and divergence of their knowledge from much of themselves. To overcome these barriers, we should take the transparent measures according to policies, stick to the educational guidance as well as the positive communication, stress the educational innovation and remedial measures, and combine their self-adaptation with their overall development


