李红霞, 童燕军. 高校经济责任审计结果在廉政建设中的应用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 94-97.
    引用本文: 李红霞, 童燕军. 高校经济责任审计结果在廉政建设中的应用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 94-97.
    LI Hong-xia, TONG Yan-jun. On the Application of Audit Results of Economic Responsibility at Universities to the Cultivation of Clean Government[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 94-97.
    Citation: LI Hong-xia, TONG Yan-jun. On the Application of Audit Results of Economic Responsibility at Universities to the Cultivation of Clean Government[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 94-97.


    On the Application of Audit Results of Economic Responsibility at Universities to the Cultivation of Clean Government

    • 摘要: 在高校廉政建设中,经济责任审计有利于践行“三个代表”重要思想,有利于加强干部管理和监督,有利于从源头预防和治理高校腐败。但是由于对审计结果的运用重视不够、体现形式比较单一、利用范围有限、审计结果质量不高且缺乏统一的评价指标体系,造成了目前我国高校对经济责任审计结果往往流于形式。加强经济责任审计结果运用,促进党风廉政建设的措施包括:发挥审计服务作用,从监督入手找到干部腐败行为之所在; 建立相关工作制度,从源头预防干部腐败行为发生; 组织相关力量,以合力控制干部腐败行为


      Abstract: In the construction of a clean government at universities, the economic responsibility audit is helpful to the practice of the thought of “Three Representations”, enhancement of management and supervision of cadres, and prevention of the corruption in universities from the source. However, the inadequate value on the audit results, single ways of expression, confinement of employment, low quality of audit, and lack of unified evaluation systems of audit, all these have led to the fact that such kind of audit only becomes a formality. The measures to strengthen the employment of economic responsibility audit and the construction of a clean and honest government include the exertion of the function of audit which helps to start from supervision and find the clue of corruption, construction of relevant system which can prevent the corruption from the source, and organization of relevant forces to control the corrupted behaviors of cadres


