A Research and Interpretations of Some Words inSacrificial Utensils of Youyang
摘要: 《酉阳杂俎》一书中因传抄讹误或使用俗语词等而造成理解困难的词语有很多,我们考释了其中的六个:“作梵”乃“作犯”之误,“继”指病名,“灶瘃”乃“龟瘃”之误,“条”指鸟之粪; “丫戾”乃“了戾”之误; “羊脾”与“羊髀”同Abstract: There are a lot of words difficult in understanding caused by either wrong copying or slangs in the book Sacrifice Utensils of Youyang. This paper has examined six of them:(1)“作梵” is the wrong form of “作犯”;(2)“继” refers to a disease;(3)“灶瘃” is the mistaken form of “龟瘃”;(4)“条” refers to the excrement of eagles;(5)“丫戾” is the erroneous form of “了戾”; and(6)“羊脾” is identical to “羊髀”