On DENG Huo-qu's Thought Inclination
摘要: 邓豁渠的思想可分为前、中、晚三期。在前期,邓豁渠对“良知”理解不透,其思想中“命”和“性”处于分裂状态。中期是他的思想的沉潜期,有着明显的三教批判倾向; 但是他在出家的同时,使用道教式的修练法,追求儒教的“良知”和“性命”的真理,思想上取得了长足进步,开始著述《南询录》。在晚期,他三十年间的努力和追求取得了成果,得到了大悟,“性”和“命”终于统一,达到了 “三教合一”(也可称“三教同源”)的境界Abstract: DENG Huo-qu's thought had undergone three phases: early, middle and late. In his early years, DENG failed to know the intuitive knowledge. The “doom” and “nature” in his thought were not in unification. His middle age years were the period in which his thought got cultivated, which had the obvious inclination to criticize the three religions. When he was a monk, he pursued the truth of conscience and life advocated by Confucianism with Taoist ways, and got great progress in his thought. During this time, he began to write his work Records of Inquiries. In his late years, after thirty years of pursuit and effort, he achieved and got enlightened. The “doom” and “nature” finally got unified and he realized the unification of three religions