An Analysis of the Paranormal Phenomena Concerning Filial Piety in AncientChina
摘要: 孝感灵异现象有多种表现:有得神助的,有使风雨、水火、猛兽等害人之物不害人的,有庐墓而得灵异的等等。孝感灵异现象对后世产生了巨大的影响,其影响既有负面的,也有正面的。孝感灵异现象背后蕴含着大量的人文信息,既有统治阶级的要求,也有被统治阶级的愿望Abstract: The paranormal phenomena concerning filial piety were manifested in more ways: assistance from god, avoidance to do harm to people which may be from wind, rain, flood, fire and beasts of prey, houses or tombs appeared from the supernatural power. Such phenomena exerted great influence on later generations, either negative or positive. There exists a large amount of humanistic information behind them, either of the requirement of ruling classes, or the wishes from the classes ruled