刘 明 鑫. 《国榷》科举史料的价值初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 53-56.
    引用本文: 刘 明 鑫. 《国榷》科举史料的价值初探[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 53-56.
    LIU Ming-xin. A Probe into the Value of Historical Data Concerning Imperial Examination in Consultations on National Affairs[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 53-56.
    Citation: LIU Ming-xin. A Probe into the Value of Historical Data Concerning Imperial Examination in Consultations on National Affairs[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 53-56.


    A Probe into the Value of Historical Data Concerning Imperial Examination in Consultations on National Affairs

    • 摘要: 《国榷》是一部编年体明史巨著,其史学价值主要有五:一是记载较为系统和完整,二是史料来源颇为可靠和真实,三是为研究明代科举史提供了系统而丰富的史料,四是为研究明代政治史提供了不可或缺的史料,五是为研究明代社会史提供了重要的参考资料


      Abstract: The book Consultations on National Affairs is a huge chronicle history work. It has the five main aspects of historical value: relatively systematic and complete historical record, reliable and real source of historical materials, provision of systematic and rich historical materials for the study of history concerning the imperial examination of Ming Dynasty, provision of the necessary historical materials for the study of politic history of Ming Dynasty, and provision of reference documents for the study of social history of Ming Ming Dynasty


