龙 海 霞. 张大千艺术资源在小学美育课程中的开发与利用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 25-28.
    引用本文: 龙 海 霞. 张大千艺术资源在小学美育课程中的开发与利用[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 25-28.
    LONG Hai-xia. On Development and Application of ZHANG Da-qian's Art Resources in the Aesthetic Education of Primary Schools[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 25-28.
    Citation: LONG Hai-xia. On Development and Application of ZHANG Da-qian's Art Resources in the Aesthetic Education of Primary Schools[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 25-28.


    On Development and Application of ZHANG Da-qian's Art Resources in the Aesthetic Education of Primary Schools

    • 摘要: 将张大千艺术资源引入内江小学美育课程,对弘扬传统文化和实施素质教育是一项双赢的决策。开发和利用宝贵的大千艺术资源库,应在秉承三级课程资源有效衔接、利用教师为开发主体和满足学生个性需要的课程开发理念下,通过校本研训、学社联合、活动展示、依托网络和课程建设等多条路径,使其转化为地方课程资源和校本课程资源,从而为学生的个性发展服务,促进内江地方美育课程的建设和发展


      Abstract: The introduction of ZHANG Da-qian's art resources into the aesthetic education in Neijiang primary schools is a double win decision for traditional culture and the education for all-around development. Development and employment of such resource should be done through school-based research and training, combination between schools and society, activities, network and curriculum construction under the guidance of conception of the effective link among three level curriculum resources, teachers as the subject for development and courses satisfying students' needs, and then change such resource into the one of local curriculum and school based curriculum in an attempt to give service to the students' development and speed up the construction of aesthetic course in Neijiang


