吕 冰 洁. 论女性视域下的“香菱”悲剧[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 14-16.
    引用本文: 吕 冰 洁. 论女性视域下的“香菱”悲剧[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (5): 14-16.
    LU Bing-jie. On the Tragedy of Xiangling from a Feminist Perspective[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 14-16.
    Citation: LU Bing-jie. On the Tragedy of Xiangling from a Feminist Perspective[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (5): 14-16.


    On the Tragedy of Xiangling from a Feminist Perspective

    • 摘要: 《红楼梦》塑造了众多独特而又个性鲜明的女性形象,整部小说中第一个出现的女性人物香菱,生得模样齐整、性格温柔、娇憨天真,有着特殊的气韵。但在封建社会中,她不可避免地成了鲜活女性群体中的“应怜”者、男权传统藩篱束缚下的“隐形人” 和封建社会“有命无运”的牺牲品


      Abstract: Many female unique figures with striking features were molded in A Dream of Red Mansions of which Xiangling is the first one appearing in the novel. She is beautiful, mild, honest and naive and special charm. However, in the feudal society, she had inevitably become the one among the female group who should get people's sympathy, is invisible under the patriarchy confinement,and became the victim who was doomed to be


