任连军, 廖成中. “限塑令”政策执行现状及对策 ——以绵阳市为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (4): 113-116.
    引用本文: 任连军, 廖成中. “限塑令”政策执行现状及对策 ——以绵阳市为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (4): 113-116.
    REN Lian-jun, LIAO Cheng-zhong. On the Implementation of the Plastic Limit Order and Coping Strategy —— A case study of Mianyang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (4): 113-116.
    Citation: REN Lian-jun, LIAO Cheng-zhong. On the Implementation of the Plastic Limit Order and Coping Strategy —— A case study of Mianyang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (4): 113-116.

    “限塑令”政策执行现状及对策 ——以绵阳市为例

    On the Implementation of the Plastic Limit Order and Coping Strategy —— A case study of Mianyang

    • 摘要: 塑料袋的过度使用造成了巨大的资源浪费和环境污染,为此,以绵阳市消费者为调查对象,从“限塑令”实施后,对其相关知识的了解状况、实施的态度、实施的效果进行了调查,分析了实施过程中存在的问题,借鉴国外“限塑令”政策实施的经验,提出了进一步实施的策略:完善“限塑令”政策; 加大环保宣传的力度,提高民众的环保意识; 加大政府对“限塑”的人力、物力投入; 加强对“限塑令”政策的监管、落实各部门责任,以期提出完善“限塑令”政策有效执行的对策


      Abstract: The excessive use of plastic bags causes huge waste of resources and environmental pollution. In view of this, consumers in Mianyang were selected as the research subjects, after the implementation of the Plastic Limit Order, a survey is made into their knowledge about the relevant stipulations, their attitude towards the order, and the implementation effect. And problems arising from the implementation process were analyzed. By aid of foreign referential experience, further strategy for implementation is put forth: to perfect the Plastic Limit Order; to step up the environmental protection popularity campaign; to raise the public consciousness for environmental protection; intensify investment in manpower and material; to strengthen the supervision of the order and to allocate responsibility to each department so as to achieve an effective implementation of the order


