李秀芝, 赵小飞, 韩光中. 测绘类专科专业的测量平差课程教学探讨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (4): 84-87.
    引用本文: 李秀芝, 赵小飞, 韩光中. 测绘类专科专业的测量平差课程教学探讨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (4): 84-87.
    LI Xiu-zhi, ZHAO Xiao-fei, HAN Guang-zhong. Pedagogical Study on the Course of Survey Adjustment in Junior Surveying Specialty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (4): 84-87.
    Citation: LI Xiu-zhi, ZHAO Xiao-fei, HAN Guang-zhong. Pedagogical Study on the Course of Survey Adjustment in Junior Surveying Specialty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (4): 84-87.


    Pedagogical Study on the Course of Survey Adjustment in Junior Surveying Specialty

    • 摘要: 《测量平差》是测绘类专科专业的一门核心基础课程.目前,该课程的教学存在着诸如照搬本科教育教学模式,教学方法重“教”轻“学”,没有充分考虑专科学生的特点等一系列问题.针对这些问题,从教材选用、教学内容、教学方法和教学手段、实践环节等方面对测绘类专科专业的《测量平差》课程教学提出一些见解和建议


      Abstract: The course of Surveying adjustment is one of the core courses for junior college students of surveying specialty. Currently, a series of problems are found in the teaching of junior surveying specialty students, such as the mechanic imitation of the undergraduate teaching pattern, more emphasis on teaching instead of learning, inadequate attention paid to the characteristics of the junior college students, etc,. In view of the problems found above, suggestions are given concerning the choice of textbook, the choice of teaching content, teaching methods and means, and the teaching practice for the curricular teaching for students majoring in the survey adjustment


