师范生教育实习效果的影响因素及提升策略 ——基于X大学物理学专业实习生的反思材料分析
On the Influencing Factors of the Educational Practice Result of Free-tuitionNormal Students and Enhancement Strategies ——Based on the analysis of the retrospective thinking materials from trainee students majoring in physics of X University
摘要: 通过对某大学16份实习生的实习材料进行定性分析,研究了影响实习生教育实习效果的影响因素.研究表明:影响实习生教学能力发展的因素有实习生自身的努力,实习生的教学反思等.据此提出的建议是:编写符合实情的实习指南; 以QQ群为基础搭建实习生集体交流平台; 要求实习生拟写教学反思; 高校指导教师定期检查、点评; 以实习生所在实习年级为小组,建立实习共同体; 实习结束之前,组内举行汇报性质的讲课比赛,中学指导教师当评委,以提高师范生实习的效果Abstract: Through the qualitative analysis of 16 copies of the retrospective thinking materials from student teachers of X university, a probe is made into the influencing factors that may affect the results of a trainee student's pre-job practice. The results show that the principal influencing factors are as follows: the self devotion of the student; the teaching retrospection of the student, etc. and counter measures are suggested:the making of a practical guiding book; the establishment of a QQ-based exchange platform; the requirement of writing a teaching retrospection; the regular inspection and comment by the coaching teachers; the establishment of a trainee students community based on students designated to the same grade; the launching of a report teaching contest inviting middle school guiding teachers as judges, so as to improve the results of teaching practice