On Geographical Features of Legends Created by LIN Shu
摘要: 林纾的《合浦珠传奇》《天妃庙传奇》《蜀鹃啼传奇》,在剧情取材、思想主题、所涉风俗等方面呈现出较为鲜明的地域性特征。这种地域性特征的形成,与他受所生活环境地域文化的影响、从个人生活经历中为传奇取材及离乡后对故乡的深沉怀念等因素有关Abstract: LIN Shu's A Legend of Hepu Pearl, A Legend of Goddess Temple and A Legend of Cuckoo's Weeping are all characterized by the striking geographical features in their selection of plot, theme and custom involved. The formation of such geographical features in his legends was closely related with the geographical culture by which he was influenced, personal experience and his nostalgia to his hometown