蔡 小 平. 明代预备仓与先赈后闻探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 68-71.
    引用本文: 蔡 小 平. 明代预备仓与先赈后闻探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 68-71.
    CAI Xiao-ping. A Probe into Storehouse and Relief Preceding Report System in Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 68-71.
    Citation: CAI Xiao-ping. A Probe into Storehouse and Relief Preceding Report System in Ming Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 68-71.


    A Probe into Storehouse and Relief Preceding Report System in Ming Dynasty

    • 摘要: 明太祖在总结常平仓、社仓等救荒仓政的基础上创立了预备仓政,形成了重要的仓储备荒体系。明朝统治者通过设立预备仓,一方面解决了远距离运粮的问题,避免了赈灾粮食的转运之苦,减少了救灾中粮食运输的消耗,且为灾民就近取食提供了条件,使灾区人民的生命得以维持。另一方面,预备仓的建设为实行“先赈后闻”的荒政政策创造了条件,避免了因报灾——勘灾——赈灾途中时间的消耗,加快了救灾的进程。避免了灾害来临之时流民成群、饿殍遍野的境况,为明朝前期政权的巩固提供了保障,成为了明朝重要的仓储救荒的制度


      Abstract: On the basis of summarizing the relief measures like building Normal Storehouse and Social Storehouse, Ming Taizu established the preparatory storehouse policy, which constructed the important storage system against disasters. The establishment of such storehouse, on one hand, helped to solve the problem as the long-distance transportation of food, which could avoid the hard work of transporting, reduce the consumption, provide the convenience of relief in the neighborhood and maintain the lives of victims of disasters. On the other hand, such establishment created conditions for the relief preceding report system. This would avoid the delaying of relief time because of long process of report, examination and relieving measures, which speeded up the relief process. Moreover, such measures prevented the fact that people could find refugees flooding everywhere and bodies dead of famines from time to time. This provided the guarantee to consolidate the Ming power and became an important storage relief system of Ming Dynasty


