黄 英. 论宋政府慈幼措施的特点及发达缘由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 62-67.
    引用本文: 黄 英. 论宋政府慈幼措施的特点及发达缘由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 62-67.
    HUANG Ying. On Characteristics of Infants-aiding Measures Taken by Song Dynasty andReasons for Their Development[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 62-67.
    Citation: HUANG Ying. On Characteristics of Infants-aiding Measures Taken by Song Dynasty andReasons for Their Development[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 62-67.


    On Characteristics of Infants-aiding Measures Taken by Song Dynasty andReasons for Their Development

    • 摘要: 宋朝政府的慈幼措施在我国社会救济史上具有承先启后的重要地位。其突出特点表现为:慈幼范围较广,但水平不高; 慈幼机构创新多,但大都维持不久; 慈幼事业的运作趋于制度化,但人治色彩仍较明显; 民间性慈幼措施相对滞后; 基本上是一种富人事业或精英事业。尽管宋朝政府的慈幼措施尚有许多不足,但就其所处的历史阶段而言,仍然可以用“发达”一词来形容。究其缘由,是由于社会经济的发达、土地制度的促使、政府的重视以及民本主义、儒家、佛教和道教思想的综合影响


      Abstract: The infants-aiding measures adopted by Song Government served as an important link between the past and the future. Their striking features are like wide range with low standard, much innovation of organizations with short-time existence, institutionalization with government by man, relative backwardness of civilian measures and the fact that such aiding was basically a cause for the rich or elites. Though there existed a lot of weaknesses in such measures adopted by government, we can describe the cause with the word “developed” in their own historical period. This was because of the developed social economy, promotion of land system, government's value and influence of civilian-oriented thoughts, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taosim


