彭 支 援. 网络传播法治化治理研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 58-61.
    引用本文: 彭 支 援. 网络传播法治化治理研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 58-61.
    PENG Zhi-yuan. A Study of Legal Government of Network Dissemination[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 58-61.
    Citation: PENG Zhi-yuan. A Study of Legal Government of Network Dissemination[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 58-61.


    A Study of Legal Government of Network Dissemination

    • 摘要: 规范网络传播有不同的路径和方式,法治化治理网络传播无疑是较为高效和理想的选择。为实现网络传播的法治化,首先需要政府转变理念形成法治思维; 其次需要加强网络立法和执法建设; 再次需要提升公民规则意识和有序民主参与意识


      Abstract: We have different ways to standardize the network dissemination. And the legal government of it is undoubtedly the effective and ideal choice. To achieve the legal administration of the dissemination, the government has to first converse its conception and form the legal idea. Secondly, it should strengthen the legislation and reinforcement of law for the network. And thirdly, it has to improve its citizens' consciousness of rules and democratic participation


