胡 正 强. 论媒介转换对《中国的西北角》成功的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 22-26.
    引用本文: 胡 正 强. 论媒介转换对《中国的西北角》成功的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (3): 22-26.
    HU Zheng-qiang. On the Impact of Medium Conversion on the Success of The Northwest Corner of China[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 22-26.
    Citation: HU Zheng-qiang. On the Impact of Medium Conversion on the Success of The Northwest Corner of China[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (3): 22-26.


    On the Impact of Medium Conversion on the Success of The Northwest Corner of China

    • 摘要: 范长江西北采访时体现“研究红军北上以后中国的动向”主题的文本在《中国西北角》中多被删削,使该书主题更为集中。《大公报》在刊载范长江有关通讯时存在着版次不时改变、连载常常中断、每次篇幅不等、标题字号不一等瑕疵,缩限了传播效果。以书籍作为传播载体,发挥了载体的传播功能,使传播内容与形式实现了有效匹配。在《中国西北角》的成书过程中,《大公报》出版部有关人员与孟秋江都作出了一定的贡献


      Abstract: In The Northwest Corner of China, some texts reflecting China's situations after the Red Army had gone north were deleted when FAN Chang-jiang took his interviews in Northwest China. This made the subject of his work more striking. There existed some flaws in Takunpao, like, frequent change of editions, constant pause of serialization, different length of publication, non-unified size of words and etc. when the paper published FAN's news. This consequently influenced its dissemination effect. The book as the carrier for dissemination fully played its function of propaganda and achieved the great match between content and form. In the process of writing the book The Northwest Corner of China, the relevant people in Takungpao and MENG Qiu-jiang had made their own contributions


