Experience and Enlightenmentfrom Baoshan New Rural Public Administration
摘要: 四川省彭州市的宝山村,自20世纪60年代中期以来的46年间,经历了由贫穷落后到现今的“西部第一村”的巨大变化.通过实地调研,对收集到的宝山村新农村建设的资料进行整理分析,得出的经验是:从始至终坚持公共信息资源的有效共享,始终如一重视公共管理人才队伍的培养,科学开发促进公共管理物质资源的合理利用,公平合理地推行社会公共福利的全面覆盖.给建设当代新农村的启示是:加强村民参与村级公共事务管理是重要力量,尊重知识和人才是成功的关键因素,“村企一体化”的集体经济是重要途径,社会公共福利的全覆盖是持续发展的重要保障Abstract: The Baoshan Village, located in Pengzhou City, northwest of Sichuan Province, has undergone a drastic change from a backward village to the current “First Village” in west China over the past 46 years since the middle 1960s. through analysis of the data from a field survey of the process in the construction of a new countryside practice, many valuable pieces of experience are worth special mentioning: to unswervingly stick to the policy of effective share of public information resources; to lay persistent emphasis on the cultivation of talents for public administration; to prompt the appropriate use of public administrative resources through scientific development; to push forward the global coverage of social welfare in a just and reasonable manner. Special enlightenments for the construction of new socialist countryside are as follows: the reinforcement of villagers' participation in the village-level public affair administration as an important driving force; priority been given to talents and knowledge as the key element for success; the village-enterprise integrated economy as the major approach; comprehensive coverage of public social welfare as the important guarantee of sustainable development