Characteristics of the Bashu Tea Industry During the Tang Dynasty
摘要: 中国是茶的原产地,历史悠久,源远流长.唐朝时期巴蜀地区的茶业是当时重要的产地之一,并以产区广、品种多且品级高、饮茶之风盛行这三大特点闻明于世,受到当时社会各阶级、阶层的喜爱和推崇.正是由于茶业的繁盛,使茶税成为唐朝财政收入的重要来源,奠定了唐朝盛世的基础,而茶业的成熟则为宋代以后茶业和茶文化的发展提供了重要的条件Abstract: China is the place of origin for tea. A review of the historical documents tells us that: the Bashu area in the Tang Dynasty had been one of the most important places for tea production at that time, which was known for the wide tea variety, the high tea quality and the tea drinking habit of its people. Tea was loved by all social classes. Owing to the boom of the tea industry, the tea tax had been one of the principal sources for government revenue and the maturity of the tea industry had laid a solid foundation for the future development of tea industry and tea culture