On the Hakka Cultural Tourism Development of Ninhua Fujian
摘要: 随着“客家热”的兴起和持续,各地客家县市都充分抓住机遇,争先发展本土客家文化旅游业,以此带动经济发展.作为客家祖地的宁化,拥有着丰富的客家资源,可发展却处于初级阶段,远低于其它客家县市的发展.本文从宁化客家文化旅游发展现状出发,浅析其发展中存在的问题,并就如何加快发展宁化客家文化旅游,带动GDP增长提出对策建议Abstract: The Ninhua Hakka cultural tourism is now characteristic of a vigorous development of the tourist economy and an increasingly good investment environment; and increasingly prominent social benefits and an excellent allocation of tourist factors; a gradual perfection of infrastructure and an ever-increasing reputation for Ninhua tourism. While the existing problems are mainly found in the following aspects: inconvenient traffic; unsound tourism supporting infrastructure; inadequate efforts for popularity campaign; insufficient attention for the protection of Hakka cultural resources and untimely service for Hakka Traveling specialties. In view of this, correspondent measures are suggested: to do a good job to protect the Hakka cultural resources and to step up the popularity campaign; to accelerate the hardware facilities construction of tourism; to run the tourist cultural brand big and strong and prompt a sustainable, healthy development of the Ninhua Hakka cultural tourism