陈 云, 程 岚. 近二十年国内有意遗忘的研究综述[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (2): 49-52.
    引用本文: 陈 云, 程 岚. 近二十年国内有意遗忘的研究综述[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (2): 49-52.
    CHEN Yun, CHENG Lan. A Research Review of Intentional Forgetting in China over the Past Two Decades[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (2): 49-52.
    Citation: CHEN Yun, CHENG Lan. A Research Review of Intentional Forgetting in China over the Past Two Decades[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (2): 49-52.


    A Research Review of Intentional Forgetting in China over the Past Two Decades

    • 摘要: 通过文献资料对近二十年国内有意遗忘进行了综述.有意遗忘的编码理论、提取抑制理论、区分抑制理论对有意遗忘产生的机制进行解释.在有意遗忘的发展性研究中发现有意遗忘的认知抑制能力是后天发展而来的,并且随着年龄的增大而逐渐发展起来.在影响因素方面发现测验方式、测验难度以及测验的材料等都是影响被试测验成绩的因素.另外,随着有意遗忘研究的深入,有意遗忘研究范式可以作为一种新的研究方法运用到错误记忆、自我参照效应以及情绪等的研究中,研究范式和方法的创新,促进有意遗忘研究领域的不断拓展


      Abstract: Directed Forgetting has been one of the most active domains in psychological studies in China in the past two decades. With psychologists' unceasing efforts, the theoretical construction of intentional forgetting tends to become mature gradually. Researchers have proposed the coding theory, the retrieval inhibition theory and the discriminative inhibition theory to expound intentional forgetting. In the developmental research of Intentional forgetting it is found that the cognitive inhibition ability is acquired by after-birth development and grows as one's age increases; the test method, test difficulty and the testing materials are all factors affecting the test performance. Besides, with the deepening of the intentional forgetting research, the intentional forgetting research paradigm can probably be employed as a new research method to the research of false memory,self-reference effect and emotion. With the renewal of research method, the research fields of intentional forgetting are constantly expanding


