On Sports Events Innovation in the Context of Commercial Operation
摘要: 商业化运营是现代奥运会的最大改革之一,曼谷亚运会是唯一一届无争议的“盈利亚运”,而我国的全运会,目前则正在奢华之风盛行的怪圈中苦苦挣扎,因此,在当前“举国体制”的环境条件下,强调“用制度管理制度”,应该比制定新的制度更加重要; 在商业全运会运作中,寻求“补救制度性缺陷”的方法途径,可能更利于全运会的发展.所以,调整全运会和金牌评价体系、剥离金牌多余的附着配件; 准确全运会发展定位、迅速树立节俭全运会新风等,是保证全运会健康发展的当务之急,也是全运会改革创新的基本立足点.Abstract: Commercial running of modern Olympic Games is one of the most important reforms in its history. And the 13th Asian Games held in Bangkok is the only unarguable game that has ever gained profits. However, the Chinese National Games, caught deep in extravagance, is still struggling to find a way around. So under the current state-sponsored sports system in China, the emphasis on the use of a system to govern a system is obviously more important than the making of a new system. In the commercialization of the National Games, to seek approaches to remedy the systematic defects might seem to be more conducive for the development of the National Games. Therefore, the priority among priorities is to adjust the gold-oriented evaluation system, rid it of its unnecessary accessories; and give an accurate orientation for the games and advocate the spirit of thrift, and on which the basic foothold of the National Games reform and innovation shall be based.