黎 勇, 史晋绒, 齐泽民. 微生物学教学中学生自主实验开设与思考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (12): 87-91.
    引用本文: 黎 勇, 史晋绒, 齐泽民. 微生物学教学中学生自主实验开设与思考[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (12): 87-91.
    LI Yong, SHI Jin-rong, QI Ze-min. The Offer of Independent Experiment in Teaching of Microbiology and Related Reflection[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (12): 87-91.
    Citation: LI Yong, SHI Jin-rong, QI Ze-min. The Offer of Independent Experiment in Teaching of Microbiology and Related Reflection[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (12): 87-91.


    The Offer of Independent Experiment in Teaching of Microbiology and Related Reflection

    • 摘要: 通过内江师范学院生命科学学院三个专业二年来开展微生物学学生自主实验的实践总结.讨论、分析自主性实验开设的教学目标、重难点确定、设计策略,以及达成目标的方法细节.提出先打好基础,再循序扩展的教学策略.以基本验证实验和综合性实验打基础,以设计性实验为教学目标最终达成和检验.同时对微生物学自主实验中达成实验技能及思考技能双重目标的方法细节进行了探讨.


      Abstract: To enhance the students capacity in independent study,independent experiments were designed. Discussions were principally based on the independent experiment practice in microbiology during 2011~2012, in which the sophomores of three different majors in the College of Life Science; and details for the selection of the teaching aim, choice of difficult points and important points, the design strategy and the fulfillment of objectives are all put under examination. To make sure the student can finish their independent experiment and conduct it well; basic skills should be taught and practice be placed first. So it was strongly recommended that the two basic experiments include one comprehensive experiment, which needs to be practiced first under the guidance of the teacher, and one independently designed experiment, which is chosen as the major experiment for both practicing and testing the talent of the students.


