吴立宝, 宋维芳. 中澳初中数学教科书例题比较研究 ——以HMZ和人教版8年级教科书为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (12): 76-79.
    引用本文: 吴立宝, 宋维芳. 中澳初中数学教科书例题比较研究 ——以HMZ和人教版8年级教科书为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (12): 76-79.
    WU Li-bao, SONG Wei-fang. A Comparative Study of Examples of Mathematics Textbook Between China and Australia ——A case study of the 8th grader textbooks by HMZ and People's Education Press[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (12): 76-79.
    Citation: WU Li-bao, SONG Wei-fang. A Comparative Study of Examples of Mathematics Textbook Between China and Australia ——A case study of the 8th grader textbooks by HMZ and People's Education Press[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (12): 76-79.

    中澳初中数学教科书例题比较研究 ——以HMZ和人教版8年级教科书为例

    A Comparative Study of Examples of Mathematics Textbook Between China and Australia ——A case study of the 8th grader textbooks by HMZ and People's Education Press

    • 摘要: 以人民教育出版社的八年级《数学》教科书、澳大利亚的《Heinemann Maths Zone 8 Enhanced》教科书的例题为研究对象,从数量、类型、解答、难度等方面进行比较.研究发现:中澳两国教科书例题类型与解题步骤基本相同; 在数量上,HMZ教科书多于中国; HMZ缺少证明问题; 中国PEPM的例题难于HMZ.中澳数学教科书都注重基础; 澳大利亚更注重程序性知识,并且更适合于学生学习.


      Abstract: “Maths 8” textbooks, published by The People's Education Press, and the textbook of “Australia's Heinemann Maths Zone 8 VELS Enhanced” are chosen as the research objects and a comparative study was conducted from the perspectives of quantity, type, presentation mode and difficulty degree. The findings show that the types and the steps for the solutions of the listed examples are basically the same; yet they differ in the quantity of examples(HMZ having a larger number), and HMZ is lacking in proof questions and PEPM has greater number of difficult examples. The study finds that both textbooks place emphasis on the fundamentals; yet Australia focuses more on the procedural knowledge and thus more suitable for students' acceptance.


