Development Analysis on Terrestrial Transportation of Neijiang Based on GIS
摘要: 内江市位于成都、重庆两城市之间,是西南各省市交通的重要交汇点.为此,利用GIS技术对内江市2001年、2007年、2012年的陆地交通状况进行统计,分析内江交通道路分布特点,结合统计资料分析发展原因,认为政策和经济的发展是促进内江2001-2012年交通发展的主要因素,内江应抓住机遇发展交通.Abstract: Neijiang city is located between the Chengdu city and Chongqing city, and an important hub for transportation in southwest China. In the context of constructing the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, Neijiang is also stepping up its efforts in traffic construction. The terrestrial traffic situations of Neijiang in 2001, 2007 and 2012 were counted by geography information system(GIS),and characteristics of regional distribution was analyzed. The results showed that policy and economic development were the major factors in stimulating traffic development of Neijiang during 2001-2012 and Neijiang should seize the opportunity to develop its transportation