Species of Color-leafed Plants and Application in the City Proper of Neijiang
摘要: 通过对内江市区的彩叶植物进行调查,共收集到彩叶植物65种,隶属于41科,63属,其中乔木22种,灌木20种,草本20种,藤本3种; 分析了内江市园林中的彩叶植物的应用现状,并提出问题和建议.Abstract: Color-leafed plants are plants widely used in city gardens and urban landscapes and have become an indispensable component of newly built or rebuilt urban green fields. After a survey of the color-leafed plants in the urban area of Neijiang, there are 65 species of them in total found in the city, which fall into 41 families and 63 species, among which 22 were arbor trees, 20 shrubs, 20 herbages and 3 lianas. The application status of these plants is analyzed and existing problems are pointed out and correspondent counter-measures are advised