曹 巾 章. 篮球战术基础配合“思维引导式”尝试教学法实验研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 94-98.
    引用本文: 曹 巾 章. 篮球战术基础配合“思维引导式”尝试教学法实验研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 94-98.
    CAO Jin-zhang. Research of Attempt Teaching Method with“Thinking Guidance” in Basketball Tactics Fundamentals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 94-98.
    Citation: CAO Jin-zhang. Research of Attempt Teaching Method with“Thinking Guidance” in Basketball Tactics Fundamentals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 94-98.


    Research of Attempt Teaching Method with“Thinking Guidance” in Basketball Tactics Fundamentals

    • 摘要: 篮球战术基础配合“思维引导式”尝试教学法实验以现代教学思想和教学理论为指导,在篮球必修课中采用“思维引导式”尝试教学法.该实验包括认知阶段、协调阶段和拓展阶段等三个阶段,并与传统教学法进行实验比对研究.研究结果表明:“思维引导式”尝试教学法,能够更好的发挥教师的主导性作用,发挥现代化教学手段的优势,提高学生学习篮球的主动性,并充分利用开放式的篮球教学模式,拓展学生战术思维空间,更好地提高篮球必修课的教学效果,为高校篮球的教学改革提供有益的参考.


      Abstract: In the guidance of modern teaching pedagogy and theories, the experiment is trying to integrate the “thinking guidance” attempt teaching method with the teaching of fundamental teamwork of basketball tactics. The experiment includes three stages: the awareness stage, the coordination stage and the development stage, and is compared with the traditional teaching method. The results show that the thinking guidance attempt teaching method is strong in taking better use of the dominating role of the teacher and modern teaching means and promoting students' learning go-aheadism, taking full advantage of the open basketball teaching mode and expanding their thinking space of basketball tactics, thus to achieve better teaching results in the compulsory basketball course and provide some valuable reference for basketball teaching reform.


