Exploration of Physics Experiment Teaching Reform in Local Colleges and Universities
摘要: 在梳理泉州师范学院物理与信息工程学院大学物理实验课程教学内容改革的基础上,介绍了该校大学物理实验课程教学内容改革的总体思路及具体实施方案,说明了利用学校的网络资源辅助大学物理实验教学改革的必要性以及大学物理实验网络教学平台的初步构建情况,提出了进一步加强大学物理实验课程教学改革的设想:利用现代化物理仪器设备及多媒体教学模式增开大学物理实验演示项目,进一步加强大学物理实验网络教学平台建设.Abstract: Based on analysis of the teaching content of the college physics experiment reform in the School of Physics and Information Engineering, the general train of thought and concrete action scheme are introduced about the teaching content reform, and the necessity of colleges availing themselves of the campus network resources for the reform is emphasized and progress made in the construction of college physics experiment teaching network platform is introduced and ideas for further strengthening the teaching reform are put forth: to offer programs of physics experiment demonstration by use of the modern instruments and equipment and multi-media teaching model so as to step up the construction of network teaching platform.