吴重阳 , 谢贤健 , 陈 丽 , 曾 茜 , 蒋德明 , 谭 西 , 李香池 . 内江师范学院校园绿地土壤抗蚀性研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 72-77.
    引用本文: 吴重阳 , 谢贤健 , 陈 丽 , 曾 茜 , 蒋德明 , 谭 西 , 李香池 . 内江师范学院校园绿地土壤抗蚀性研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 72-77.
    WU Chong-yang, XIE Xian-jian, CHEN Li, ZENG Xi, JIANG De-ming, TAN Xi, LI Xiang-chi. Study on Soil Anti-erodibility of Campus Greenbelt of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 72-77.
    Citation: WU Chong-yang, XIE Xian-jian, CHEN Li, ZENG Xi, JIANG De-ming, TAN Xi, LI Xiang-chi. Study on Soil Anti-erodibility of Campus Greenbelt of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 72-77.


    Study on Soil Anti-erodibility of Campus Greenbelt of Neijiang Normal University

    • 摘要: 以内江师范学院校园绿地(林地、草地、灌丛)土壤作为研究材料,周边农耕地作为对照,通过对土壤容重、土壤机械组成、>0.25 mm干筛团聚体含量、土壤崩解速率、土壤抗蚀指数(S)、土壤水稳性指数(K)等指标的测定和分析,研究了校园绿地土壤的抗蚀性能.结果表明,校园不同绿地土壤的机械组成差异显著,物理性粘粒含量灌丛>林地>耕地>草地,砂粒含量草地>灌丛>耕地>林地; 不同绿地土壤干筛团聚体组成差异极显著; 土壤崩解速率总体上表现为灌丛<林地<草地<耕地,且灌丛、林地、草地的静水崩解率在垂直方向上增大,而耕地相反; 水稳性指数总体表现为灌丛>林地>草地>耕地,垂直方向上,耕地K值减小,其它绿地K值均增加.因此认为,校园不同绿地土壤的抗蚀性由强到弱依次为灌丛>林地>草地>耕地.基于研究结果,提出了校园土壤的保护建议,为校园绿化提供一定的参考.


      Abstract: Choosing soil of campus green space such as pure forest, meadow, and bush fallow as researching materials in the Neijiang Teachers College, and the soil from the neighborhood farmland as reference object, soil anti-erodibility indices including volume-weight, the mechanical composition, the drying sieve aggregate, disintegration rate, water stability index were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there exists significant difference in the soil mechanical of different Campus green space. The order of physical clay content was as follows: bush fallow > pure forest > meadow >farmlands. The order of sand grain content was: meadow < bush fallow < farmlands < pure forest. There was significant difference among the drying sieve aggregate composition of different land model. The order of soil collapse rate was: bush fallow > pure forest > meadow >farmlands. Furthermore, the soil collapse rate of bush fallow, pure forest, and meadow were increasing in vertical direction, on the contrary, farmlands were in decreasing order. The order of water stability index was: bush fallow > pure forest > meadow >farmlands. On the other hand, the water stability index of pure farmlands was increasing in vertical direction; yet, the other 3 models were decreasing. According to the above analysis, the conclusion was that the order of soil anti-erodibility of campus green space was: bush fallow > pure forest > meadow >farmlands. Based on the results, advances some Suggestions on the campus soil protection were put forth in hope of providing some reference for the campus greening.


