毕安平 , 杨云燕 , 唐令玉 . 南安市土地利用效率与产业结构升级[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 57-62.
    引用本文: 毕安平 , 杨云燕 , 唐令玉 . 南安市土地利用效率与产业结构升级[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 57-62.
    BI An-ping, YANG Yun-yan, TANG Ling-yu. Land Use Efficiency and Industrial Structure Upgrading in Nan'an City[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 57-62.
    Citation: BI An-ping, YANG Yun-yan, TANG Ling-yu. Land Use Efficiency and Industrial Structure Upgrading in Nan'an City[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 57-62.


    Land Use Efficiency and Industrial Structure Upgrading in Nan'an City

    • 摘要: 利用2001~2010年南安市土地利用和三次产业产值等数据,分析了南安市产业结构、用地结构、土地利用效率及相互关系.结果表明,南安市处于工业化中期,土地利用结构与产业结构高度相关,农用地和未利用地持续转化为建设用地; 地均产值年均增长20.25%,但总体水平偏低; 土地产值结构系数农业用地从8.27急剧上升到18.50,非农用地微升,土地利用效率出现下降趋势.最后针对性地为南安市提出了产业结构升级和土地优化配置的政策建议.


      Abstract: The statistics of Nan'an City about land use and the tertiary industry outputs from 2001 to 2010 were used to analyze the industrial structure, land use structure, land use efficiency and their correlation. Results showed that Nan'an City was in middle-phase of industrialization, land use structure had strong correlation with industrial structure on the basis of a Pearson Correlation Analysis, and land was transformed continuously from agriculture and the unused into construction. GDP per unit land area remained very low but rose 20.25% annually. The declining trend of land use efficiency was explained by the coefficient value of agricultural land-output structure, rising sharply from 8.27 to 18.50, and the efficiency of non-agricultural land rose slightly. Finally, policies were suggested for Nan'an City to upgrade industrial structure and optimize land allocation.


