李 琴. 企业销售人员心理资本情绪劳动与离职倾向的关系[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 40-45.
    引用本文: 李 琴. 企业销售人员心理资本情绪劳动与离职倾向的关系[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 40-45.
    LI Qin. Research on the Relationship of Psychological Capital,Emotional Labor and Turnover Intention among Corporate Sales Staff[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 40-45.
    Citation: LI Qin. Research on the Relationship of Psychological Capital,Emotional Labor and Turnover Intention among Corporate Sales Staff[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 40-45.


    Research on the Relationship of Psychological Capital,Emotional Labor and Turnover Intention among Corporate Sales Staff

    • 摘要: 通过个体心理资本作为离职倾向的抑制因素和情绪劳动的前因变量,来探讨心理资本对情绪劳动和离职倾向的直接效应以及情绪劳动对心理资本与离职倾向关系的中介效应.采用随机抽样方法选取各地企业销售人员作为研究对象,共发放问卷350份,最后筛选出有效问卷共314份,主要研究工具为修订后的心理资本量表、情绪劳动量表以及离职倾向量表.结果表明:心理资本对离职倾向有显著负向影响,心理资本对情绪劳动中的表层扮演有显著的负向影响,对深层扮演和自然表现有显著正向影响,心理资本对离职倾向的直接效应远大于情绪劳动对心理资本与离职倾向间的中介效应.


      Abstract: By using the individual psychological capital as the inhibitor factor of the turnover intention and the dependent variable of the emotional labor, exploration was made into the direct effect of the psychological capital on the emotional labor and turnover intention, and the intermediary effect of the emotional labor upon the relation between the psychological capital and the turnover intention. A random sampling of the sales staff from different places as our research subjects, 350 questionnaires were handed out and 314 of them are valid ones. The research adopts the revised psychological capital scale, the emotional labor scale, and the turnover intention scale as our principal research tool. Our findings show that the psychological capital has a significantly negative effect upon the turnover intention and it exerts a significantly negative effect upon the surface acting in the emotional labor yet has a significantly positive effect on the depth acting and natural performance, indicating that the direct effect of the psychological capital upon the turnover intention is far greater than the intermediary effect of the emotional labor upon the psychological capital and the turnover intention.


