夏林林, 户晗蕾, 吴开腾. 非线性方程组数值方法的研究进展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 12-17.
    引用本文: 夏林林, 户晗蕾, 吴开腾. 非线性方程组数值方法的研究进展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (10): 12-17.
    XIA Lin-lin, Hu Han-lei, WU Kai-teng. Progress in the Research of Nonlinear Equations Via Numerical Methods[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 12-17.
    Citation: XIA Lin-lin, Hu Han-lei, WU Kai-teng. Progress in the Research of Nonlinear Equations Via Numerical Methods[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (10): 12-17.


    Progress in the Research of Nonlinear Equations Via Numerical Methods

    • 摘要: 首先综述了非线性方程组数值解法的研究现状、应用领域,并简述了其发展趋势,再着重介绍了迭代法、大范围收敛法、人工智能算法等实用性较强的方法.分析了当前的研究概况和水平,结合目前国内外研究成果总结了有待解决的问题.


      Abstract: First, a review is made of the research progress in the field of nonlinear equations numerical methods and a brief introduction of its development trend is given. Then our attention is focused on the elaboration of iterative method, large-scale convergence methods, artificial intelligence algorithms which are of great practical use. Finally, analysis is made of the current research situation and level and in combination with the research achievements home and abroad the problems unresolved are summed up.


