姚 伟 民. 高校新闻人才培养模式改革的有效途径初探——以内江师范学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 98-100.
    引用本文: 姚 伟 民. 高校新闻人才培养模式改革的有效途径初探——以内江师范学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 98-100.
    YAO Wei-min. A Probe into the Effective Means of Reformation in Journalist Training Modes at Universities: A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 98-100.
    Citation: YAO Wei-min. A Probe into the Effective Means of Reformation in Journalist Training Modes at Universities: A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 98-100.


    A Probe into the Effective Means of Reformation in Journalist Training Modes at Universities: A Case Study of Neijiang Normal University

    • 摘要: 在媒介融合加速与文化产业振兴的大背景下,大专院校新闻人才的培养模式必须改革; 塑造有坚定政治信念,有敬业奉献精神,有良好身体素质,有专业技能技巧,有多岗适应本领的新闻专才与媒介通才,正是高校教学改革成效的关键。内江师范学院主动践行新闻人才培养模式改革,为社会输送高素质复合型人才迈出了可喜步伐。


      Abstract: Under the background of speeding-up of cultural industry and media fusion, the personnel training modes at universities have to be reformed. It is essential for the reform in universities to build journalists and medium men with firm political beliefs, dedication spirit, good physical quality, special techniques and skills, and adaptability to more posts. Neijiang Normal Universities actively practices the innovation in the personnel training modes and has made a step forward to the transportation of personnel with higher quality and more calibers.


