On Causes of Opium Overflow and Its Influence in Sichuan in Period of Republic of China
摘要: 鸦片祸川,继晚晴之后,民国四川鸦片泛滥达到了鼎盛时期。在防区制时代,各军阀纷纷混战,军费所需,鸦片烟税贡献最巨。在军阀和官吏的勒种下,川地“红花白花开满田”。高额赋税的缴纳和吸食鸦片,川人的生活质量和身体健康受到严重的影响。即使在蒋介石政权的禁烟政策下,罂粟种植、鸦片泛滥的状况甚至不见好转。Abstract: Opium became a disaster in Sichuan. Since late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China, the overflow of opium in Sichuan had reached its peak. In the period of defense area, warlords fought against each other, and opium taxes had the biggest contribution to much military expenditure. Under the pressure to plant opium from warlords and local officials, both red and white opium flowers were growing in most fields. The high taxes and the use of opium greatly influenced the quality of people’s living standard and health in Sichuan. Even in opium banning period of JIANG Jie-shi, the opium planting and overflowing were still quite universal.