A Study of Well-known General CHENG Pu in East Wu: A Brave Courtier in Foundation of the Kingdom East Wu
摘要: 程普曾追随孙坚破黄巾军及讨伐董卓,在战斗中表现英勇。后来他跟从孙策平定江东,并因战功得到孙策重用,其后又参与进攻刘勋、黄祖诸役。孙权继任后,他辅佐孙权平定江东叛乱,又继太史慈为建昌都尉,并参加讨伐黄祖之役。在赤壁之战与江陵之战中,他与周瑜同为统帅。他先后领江夏太守、南郡太守,是孙权方面镇守荆州的重要人物。程普可以被称为三世“虎臣”,并在孙吴建国道路的前几个阶段发挥了较为重要的作用,是江东诸将中资历最深者之一。Abstract: CHENG Pu once followed SUN Jian and defeated Yellow Scarf Army, and then started to fight against DONG Zhuo. He was quite brave in fighting. And later, he followed SUN Ce and quelled the area of low reach of Yangtze River. Due to his battle achievements, he was appointed an important official. Afterwards, he participated in the battles against LIU Xun and HUANG Zu. He helped SUN Quan quell the riot, and became Duwei of Jianchang. In famous Chibi Battle and Jiangling Battle, both CHENG and ZHOU Yu were commanders. And he successively was appointed prefects of Jiangxia and Nanjun, and was an important figure who helped SUN Quan guard the garrison Jingzhou. From his grand father on, his family had been brave courtiers. And in the foundation of Wu Kingdom, CHENG played an important role and was one of the most experienced and qualified generals.