张 宁. 弱女子的命运悲歌——白居易《长恨歌》主题再探讨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 57-61.
    引用本文: 张 宁. 弱女子的命运悲歌——白居易《长恨歌》主题再探讨[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 57-61.
    ZHANG Ning. A Tragic Fate of Weak Women: A Re-study of Subject of BAI Ju-yi’s A Song of Eternal Sorrow[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 57-61.
    Citation: ZHANG Ning. A Tragic Fate of Weak Women: A Re-study of Subject of BAI Ju-yi’s A Song of Eternal Sorrow[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 57-61.


    A Tragic Fate of Weak Women: A Re-study of Subject of BAI Ju-yi’s A Song of Eternal Sorrow

    • 摘要: 人们对《长恨歌》的主题一直争论不休。或以为《长恨歌》意在讽刺,或以为意在歌颂李杨的爱情,或以为《长恨歌》乃爱情和讽喻兼备。而实际上,《长恨歌》并非意在写爱情,而是在写这种所谓的爱情背后处于弱势地位的女子的感情和命运悲剧; 《长恨歌》并非刻意地在讽刺,而是在向世人揭示这种人间悲剧的残酷。


      Abstract: There have long been controversies concerning the subject of A Song of Eternal Sorrow. Some think that it intends to satirize something, while others believe it praises love, still others hold that it has both goals. In fact, the poetry does not intend to describe love, but the affections of a weak woman and her tragic fate behind the so-called love. In addition, it does not studiously intend to satirize anything, but to reveal the cruelty of such tragedy.


