韩 晓 婷. 张大千传记文学作品的关键词解读[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 27-29.
    引用本文: 韩 晓 婷. 张大千传记文学作品的关键词解读[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2013, (9): 27-29.
    HAN Xiao-ting. Interpretations of Key Words in ZHANG Da-qian’s Biographies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 27-29.
    Citation: HAN Xiao-ting. Interpretations of Key Words in ZHANG Da-qian’s Biographies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2013, (9): 27-29.


    Interpretations of Key Words in ZHANG Da-qian’s Biographies

    • 摘要: 在已有的关于国画大师张大千的传记文学作品的叙述视角上,还存在着一些需要更新的认识。要塑造出一位个性鲜明又形象丰满的传主形象,须以富有生命力的艺术主线作为贯穿张大千一生的主要力量,应将画艺作为承接张大千与传记作者之间艺术观念的纽带。在分析张大千周围的女性形象时,应从时代大环境、人物心理方面着力,避免单一的“纯情化”解读视角。


      Abstract: In the current narrative perspectives of master ZHANG Da-qian’s biographies, there exists some understanding to be renovated. In order to build a vivid protagonist with unique features, we should take the artistic clue full of vitality as one going through the whole life of ZHANG, and make his artistic technique as the link between ZHANG and the biographers. When analyzing the female images around the master, one should pay more attention to the time surroundings and the heroes’ psychology, and try to avoid the pure emotional interpretation.


